Drift pre-production update (November 2011)
November 1, 2011
Here’s a little update from Darren on what is happening with The Drift pre-production. [Read more]
Sue’s silver screenplay success
October 19, 2011
Many congratulations to our star screenwriter Sue Morris, whose screenplay Second Glance picked up the Silver Prize in the Drama category of the 2011 PAGE International Screenwriting Awards. [Read more]
UPDATED: Big DRIFT set building weekend Oct 15
October 15, 2011

Robert Francis (one of our most dedicated volunteers) made this video for the event. [Read more]
Put The Drift on your desktop
October 2, 2011
With an early draft of The Drift logo completed, you can download it for your computer wallpaper. [Read more]
Get involved in The Drift
September 25, 2011
After almost 20 years of making spoofs, Backyard Productions is now embarking on its first original feature length movie The Drift. A Sci-Fi action horror (12 Cert) set deep in space in a starship graveyard.
The film will be shot mostly on set in Lincoln in February March 2012, although building has already begun. We are now looking for volunteers to lend their skills to help, teach and inspire our production group. [Read more]
Bradley Stone unearthed in Jordan
February 28, 2011
Following on from the sensational discovery of a DOOM RAIDERS DVD in HMV, a BYP fan has now dug up another treasure! “It was definitely him. There he was, glaring down at the open-mouthed fan in one of the most unlikely locations. Dr. Bradley Stone, the rogue archaeological hero from Doom Raiders….”... [Read more]
Luke’s Film
August 26, 2010
Backyard Productions’ youngest producer/director Darren’s 11-year-old son, Luke, has written, produced and directed his very own fan-film short based on well-loved characters from Nintendo’s games. It was a steep learning curve, although he has produced animated shorts on his computer... [Read more]