Doom Raiders – Bar – Oct 14 – Sc 3
August 29, 2008
This was a real bar located at RAF Akrotiri. We were lucky enough to have real dancers from Limassol to add to the authenticity of the set. [Read more]
Doom Raiders – School – Oct 13 – Sc 4
August 29, 2008
A real classroom was used to teach the little darlings. Filming with the youngans was great fun, especially when they had to carry the fruit! [Read more]
Beach Patrol Screenshots
August 28, 2008
For those of you who don’t have the time to watch the movie (and it is quite long!), here’s a selection of the best bits. Enjoy! Unlike our other films, Beach Patrol was filmed in the standard 4:3 television ratio, to give it that true television serial look…. [Read more]
Beach Patrol Filming
August 28, 2008
A small gallery of images taken during the production of Beach Patrol. Look out for Darren covered in a plastic bag. This was to prevent sand and sea water from getting in the camera…. at least that’s what the crew told him! Don’t copy this at home kids! [Read more]
Beach Patrol Cast
August 28, 2008
David Hill as Ridge Battenburgh, Nicole Plunkett as D.J., Catherine Redpath as J.D., Zoe Ryder as Amber, Victoria Dyson as Red, Binnie Greenhalgh as Pat McGroin, Gemma Murphy as The Small Cute One, Bob Wilcox as Officer Bob and Pete Szeremeta as Rico Demarco. [Read more]
TENCLO Select Gallery
August 28, 2008
A number of specially selected TENCLO photos and images mainly from throughout the production from early pre-production to the premiere. More to follow…. This is mainly a test of the NG Gallery wordpress plugin, comments on functionality / problems appreciated. [Read more]

New Logo…New website…New LAUNCH!
August 28, 2008
Yes, finally after years (and I mean YEARS) of nagging, Ed has (with a little help from his new padawan Matt) updated the website! Now you will be able to view our films, photos, blogs and features with just a few clicks. What more, is now YOU can get involved too! is all about […] [Read more]
Supercool SW Dance competition
June 22, 2008
It’s a silly Star Wars dance competition, but it’s actually quite good. Recorded at the 2008 Star Wars Weekend Hyperspace Hoopla show at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
Not only that – they did it in 2007 too!

Sun, sand and Star Wars in Tunisia
June 19, 2008
Several members of the BYP team enjoyed a trip of a lifetime to Tunisia this April to visit all the Star Wars locations in sunny (and sandy) Tunisia. A great adventure was had by all and we brought back hundreds (nay, thousands) pictures of sets featured in many different parts of the Star Wars saga. […] [Read more]