First Cinders Auditions in Lincoln a Success
June 30, 2009

How to get to the Movieum of London
June 21, 2009
Backyard Productions is delighted to be working with The Movieum of London, who will be following and publicising the progress of Cinders production over the next few months. Darren (Executive Bully) and Mark (Music Maestro and Writer) had a meeting with them earlier this week, and one of the first things the Movieum is helping us with, is by providing a great space for the London auditions.
You can find the Movieum right on the South Bank, next to the London Eye, it should be easy to find if you follow the directions in the great little video Darren and Mark produced (below), which also gives you a little glimpse of the large collection of amazing props and costumes the Movieum has on display. The exhibits are constantly changing, so even if you’ve been before, it’s well worth another visit. They have some fun interactive exhibits too, and the kids can even make their own movie while they are there.
Directions: From Waterloo Station, cross York Road (via the footbridge is probably the safest way – it’s a busy road), then cross the large plaza, or walk down Chicheley Street towards the London Eye (the big wheel with pods on). The entrance to County Hall and the Movieum is just round the corner to the left (it faces the River Thames).
NOTE: Our London audition is now closed, so the specific directions are for auditionees only, unless you are looking to visit the Movieum of London, which is right next door.