TENCLO Set Building
September 28, 2008
Many (but not all) of the TENCLO sets were built over the period from May to August 2005. Some had to be made in modular form, ready for quick assembly when other sets were struck. We were short of space, especially considering the number of sets we planned to use! These frantic bursts of activity, […] [Read more]
George is now on Facebook!
August 31, 2008
That’s right! Our George Lucas can now be found on Facebook! He doesn’t quite have as many friends as some other George… but still, he’s there!
Just type George Lucas in Facebook and he should pop up!
You could even ask him a question!
TENCLO Select Gallery
August 28, 2008
A number of specially selected TENCLO photos and images mainly from throughout the production from early pre-production to the premiere. More to follow…. This is mainly a test of the NG Gallery wordpress plugin, comments on functionality / problems appreciated. [Read more]

Rick McCallum will watch TENCLO
July 5, 2008
To everyone involved with TENCLO; your hard work is now in the hands of the producer of the REAL Star Wars movies. Second only to George Lucas himself, it doesn’t get any better than this!!!!! Here’s what happened, in our Director / Producer Darren Scales’s words… I was at the Star Wars “Celebration Europe” convention […] [Read more]
BYP Feature on Japanese TV
January 12, 2008
We had a fun time when the Japanese correspondent (Ken Isaji from Nippon TV London) came to interview us, and visited the set at RAF Waddington. We don’t have a translation yet…
“Making TENCLO” Documentary Completed!
December 20, 2006
We have now completed the full-length documentary of the Making of The Emperor’s New Clones. ‘Making TENCLO’ follows the BYP team from April 2005 right up to and including the World Charity Premiere on 9 September 2006! [Read more]

TENCLO Premiere Huge Success!
September 10, 2006
The wait was finally over on September 9th when Star Wars – The Emperor’s New Clones received its world charity premiere. With over 350 people attending, we are proud to have raised over £850 pounds of cash donations, all of which will go to our chosen charity – UNICEF. The evening kicked off with a […] [Read more]
BYP and TENCLO in the papers
May 11, 2006
Wow! – We’ve had a bit of publicity recently! From the Sunday Mirror in Scotland, to the Lincolnshire Echo, to British Forces publicity. Mainly because while working abroad, Darren has met up with Colin MacGregor (Ewan MacGregor’s brother), who is also in the RAF. He has apparently been very impressed by our TENCLO trailer and ‘Battle of the Heroes’, and has agreed to pass on a copy of our finished film to Ewan. You never know – they may even make it to the premiere!