One small step forward; two giant leaps backward
July 20, 2009
Monday 20 July marks the 40th anniversary of the first man on the moon. To celebrate the achievement we had a moon party hosted in usual great style by Darren and Sandra on Saturday! Space style fancy dress was worn…astronauts, stars, planets, 60’s dress and even Albert II the first chimp in space. Darren and […] [Read more]
BYP Mummy experiences world wide fame
June 24, 2009
The Mother of backyard productions (Janine) reached a new pinnacle of fame… For a whole ten minutes!
“A Sara Mahoney contacted me on Skype asking ‘are you THE J9 ?’ Well yeah, my nickname at work is J9…….as in Ja nine. So yeah, I guess I could be THE J9. I can’t remember a Sara Mahoney at work but there’s been plenty of Sarahs come and go, and my memory isn’t all it was. So, I added her to my Skype.
A while later she Skype phones me. I didn’t answer because I was in the middle of internet banking and didn’t want all my millions to be Skyped to her!
When I finished checking my bank balance, and realised that I don’t have millions anyway, I saw that she was still on line.
So I message her
‘who are you?’ ‘Helsinki. Please can you phone me?’ she says. ‘I can’t phone, the volume on my computer is playing up’ ‘I understand’ ‘Remind me which Sarah are you are’ ‘Mahoney’ ‘Can’t remember the surname, did I work with you?’ ‘Are you not dancer Janine? As in J9?’ ‘No I’m not a dancer 🙂 ‘ ‘Woops, sorry…wrong Janine Russell’ she says, and promptly hangs up!I get to thinking, “so who is this ‘Janine Russell from J9’ person that she thought I was?” And being as I was rushed off my feet with a million things to do before I go on holiday…. I thought I would spend an hour or two googling her.
I’m sure you will be as thrilled as I was to find out who she is:
Did you enjoy that as much as I did?
Apparently I’m the one with the huge feathers prancing around in the background with the half-naked man with lumpy trousers, (not one of the warblers to the side!)
Sara Mahoney was probably disappointed that I’m not the REAL J9. Whereas I……. now have to go on holiday without half my stuff! 🙂
The Mummy x”
Can anyone top The Mummy’s brush with fame?