New Fanfilm Documentary to be Released!

August 29, 2008  

David Sillitto BBC Culture CorrespondentAs part of his Masters Degree in Media Production, BYP’s Executive Bully, Darren Scales has produced a unique 30 minute documentary on Fanfilms. Darren has interviewed fanfilm makers, professionals from the Creative Industry and Media Academics. Darren explores the world of fanfilm making, why people do it and what is the Media’s interest in it? With some colourful and personal accounts from those involved in fanfilms inlcuding The Emperor’s New Clones, this documentary will appeal to all!

“Fanfilms – what are they all about?” is set for release in September 2008 on the BYP website!

Ed Hollingsbee Dr Dean Lockwood University of Lincoln UK


3 Responses to “New Fanfilm Documentary to be Released!”

  1. Executive Bully on September 7th, 2008 2:05 pm

    The Doc should be up on the BYP You-Tube site by 30 Sep. I shall make sure there are links on this site!

  2. Executive Bully on October 2nd, 2008 11:10 am

    Fanfilm documentary is now ready for uploading and should hopefully be on line by mid Oct!

    Sorry for delay!

  3. Mark on October 2nd, 2008 2:06 pm

    Looking forward to this 🙂

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