Drift Diary – October 19th
The Executive Bully, Daz, reveals all (or nothing?), regarding our current project, The Drift! This episode: Daz looks at money….
Filed Under Driftcasts, In Production, Movies, Podcast, The Drift, Video
3 Responses to “Drift Diary – October 19th”
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[..YouTube..] Interesting video, Daz. (Where does the cash go, eh? Biscuits is my guess!) I have two “every little helps” suggestions: (a) how about putting a PayPal donation button on the BYP site’s pages, as I’m sure some people would throw in £10-50; and (b) how about getting local businesses to sponsor The Drift? We could sell ads before the movie starts at the premiere, on the big screen, or maybe they’d be happy just to appear on all future advertising?
[..YouTube..] Interesting video, Daz. (Where does the cash go, eh? Biscuits is my guess!) I have two “every little helps” suggestions: (a) how about putting a PayPal donation button on the BYP site’s pages, as I’m sure some people would throw in £10-50; and (b) how about getting local businesses to sponsor The Drift? We could sell ads before the movie starts at the premiere, on the big screen, or maybe they’d be happy just to appear on all future advertising?
Interesting video, Daz. (Where does the cash go, eh? Biscuits is my guess!) I have two “every little helps” suggestions: (a) how about putting a PayPal donation button on the BYP site’s pages, as I’m sure some people would throw in £10-50; and (b) how about getting local businesses to sponsor The Drift? We could sell ads before the movie starts at the premiere, on the big screen, or maybe they’d be happy just to appear on all future advertising?