Drift Diary – August 26th
The Executive Bully, Daz, reveals all (or nothing?), regarding our current project, The Drift!
Filed Under Driftcasts, In Production, Movies, Podcast, The Drift, Video
Tagged: amateur, amateur filmmaker, backyard productions, batman returns forever, BBC, BYP UK, bypuk, camcorder, Channel 4, Darren Scales, Ed Hollingsbee, Edwin Hollingsbee, Fan film, Fanfilm, filmmaking, finding the force, geriatric park, Janine Russell, KSC, Luke Scales, Matthew Russell, NASA, Sandra Scales, sci-fi, set building, space shuttle, Star Wars, Star Wars - The Emperor's New Clones, Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Backyard, Sugarcubes, The Drift, the emperor's new clones, the empire strikes backyard, William Russell
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